Modified Poke


  • 500g beef strips
  • 10 baby carrots
  • 1 cucumber, sliced
  • 5 button mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 cup of rice, cooked
  • 1 tablespoon ginger paste
  • 2 table spoons rice vinegar
  • 50g butter
  • 2 table spoons soya sauce
  • honey
  • shichimi
  • sesame seeds (optional)
  • sesame oil
  • salt

Beef marinade

  1. In a bowl, combine your raw beef strips, sesame oil, honey, ginger, and soya sauce
  2. Set aside in the fridge, ideally for 8-24 hours

Cucumber Marinade

  1. In a bowl, combine your sliced cucumbers, rice vinegar, salt, and scishimi
  2. Set aside in the fridge for about 4-6 hours

Putting it all together.

  1. Heat up sesame oil in a pan, add your beef strips, and cook for about 2 minutes on high heat
  2. Decrease the heat, and add about 30g of butter
  3. Cover, and cook for 5 minutes
  4. Remove the beef strips and set aside, while keeping the sauce in the pan
  5. Add the rest of the butter, the mushrooms, and the carrots (in order) - you can add more rice vinegar in that pan if you want extra acidity
  6. Cover and cook for 6 minutes
  7. In a plate, place the rice at the bottom, add the beef strips on top, the cucumbers, the vegetables, and cover with the sauce
  8. Enjoy this hearthy dish with your loved ones!